Compare Ethics

Impact : Make products more ethical

Founded : 2019

HQ : London

Communicate product impact claims with confidence

Big Picture

Enable large retailers to reliably verify product impact claims made by suppliers so they can so they can communicate product credentials (e.g. Vegan, Green, Fair Trade, Organic, Emission Reduction etc) with confidence. This protects reputation, increases product attractiveness and credibility and guards against the threat of fines for product misdescription.

How It Works

AI driven platform that automates the process of verifying product claims. Enables retailers to confidently communicate product impact claims to customers, providing an audit trail showing the source of the data, including an ‘Impact Widget’ that automatically pulls verification data through from Compare Ethics. A/B tests have shown that the presence of the Impact Widget increases online sales.

Unfair Advantage

Three years building and tuning their platform. Process patent application underway for ranking impact data points/certification. Perceived as a thought leader in sector with 100+ strong community of Enterprise clients who regularly attend webinar/presentation sessions. Established as the leading product impact verification standard in the fashion sector and quickly moving into other retail sectors.