Hyperlight Ventures was formed by Evan Maindonald, an entrepreneur with a background in technology and property. Evan has been interested in technology from an early age. He started programming computers at the age of 12 and went on to University to study computer science at the age of 16.
After working in the telecoms and technology industry for around 12 years, Evan ended up in a senior role at British Telecom, responsible for a business unit with over £1bn in annual revenues. He then worked as Global Sales Director for a UK Telecoms startup and completed an MBA at IMD in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2000.
In 2001, he started MELT Property and grew it into a group of property development and investment companies. MELT Property has built over 100 properties in the UK and developed projects with end values in excess of £100m.
In 2019, Evan turned his attention back to the technology sector, starting to make early stage angel investments in a number of start-ups. This led to the formation of Hyperlight Ventures and the decision to raise our first venture capital fund.